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I help people create new ideas, places, systems, cultures and businesses, together. Key to this is creating spaces, platforms and contexts for people to do things they have never done before. It is from these experiences that people transform and expand beyond their own senses and beliefs about what is possible. Those perspectives may be different for everyone. But in some ways, they are also the same. Once you’ve done something, it’s hard to convince yourself that you can’t.


Creating space and context for this all requires leadership, project management, technical tools, and creative solutions to dynamic challenges and constraints. Of course. Most of all, however, it requires trust, which is only possible when you meet people where they are. When they know they are not just heard, but gotten. This means deep listening, connection and authentically translating vision, ideas, resources, methodologies, systems, creativity, and experience, the languages of creating, into successfully deployed, delivered and celebrated manifestations. This is not work. This is life.


Much of my experience is deep, and that is useful. But this is not why I am most able to create and deliver value as a Special Projects Operator. It is that I have always had strong senses of patterns and connections among and across things I see and work with, every creation I have delivered or collaborated with others to render. My experience is also wide, and unique. I have created a life and career of doing things I have never done before, that I may create cultures and teams that over iterations of new experiences, come to find their own way home in being creators of the new. My experience also allows me to connect with, translate and leverage the abilities of existing or newly resourced talent. If different or additional skills or expertise are needed, I have a richly capable network. As do they.


Finally, I have two unique contexts or platforms where I experiment and create outside of the more typical constraints and justifications we are all used to. The first is It’s All Made Up (IAMU), a Burning Man camp I co-founded in 2011. We have innovated and developed a number of compelling solutions in space making, transportation & logistics, and mobile, scalable green energy and water infrastructure systems. These have all been the grounded contexts, the containers by which we transform and live into an openness, habit and culture of the possible. The second is Charles Actual, a new handle or brand for music, media, writing, lighting and art that I have been creating anyway. Both It’s All Made Up and Charles Actual are in essence, creative sandboxes, sanghas, for exploration, development and collaboration, which not infrequently translate into the unique experience, solutions and network I bring to client engagements.

Experience Overview

  • Affinity Lab: World’s first co-working space

  • It’s All Made Up: Innovation & transformation focused Burning Man camp & creator crew

  • Current Client Ventures

    • Community development agency

    • Citizen mushroom micro-farming platform

    • Spiritual counseling & healing studio

    • Gluten-free bakery & test kitchen

  • Intranet & Knowledge Management platform design & development

  • Business process system design & development

  • System solution evaluation & build-buy evaluation

  • Web Development (WIX, Square, WordPress)

  • User Interface (UI) & Experience Design (UX)

  • Business & system process mapping

  • Information architecture, infographics & visualizations

  • Graphic & visual design

  • Books, publications, pitch decks, custom printing

  • Video & music authoring, production & editing

  • 3D modeling & printing

  • System & component sourcing & evaluation

  • Designed and organized the development of portable, modular, scalable electrical, water provisioning & gray water infrastructure systems

  • Wood, metal & multi-media design & fabrication

  • Multifunction & pop-up space concepting, design, modeling & deployment

  • Project based logistics & transportation design, planning, mission coordination & execution

  • Creation and oversight of specialized, volunteer run regional trucking and national intermodal transportation service

  • Designing and utility modeling of a 48’ intermodal conversion into a multi-function site deployment base station 


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