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Our client work starts from widely varying points of clarity and readiness - from a pencil sketch and a dream, to a long, meandering project that needs to be freshly assessed, clarified and reset. 


All of our work and services are offered in ways that leverage your existing strengths, capacities and independence. Ongoing services are discounted based on duration, and some projects or retainers can be offered at a sliding scale. 


To simplify the process and opportunity to understand your needs, and give us a chance to learn how we best work together, Articulated offers the following packages:

Preliminary Consultation


Let’s connect on what you want to create or achieve. We will begin wherever you are and develop clarity about the opportunities, needs, and challenges of your project. 


Package cost: $0


Scope of Work:

  • 1 hour long client session to identify potential areas of support (or 2x 30-minute discussions)


End products:

  • Proposal for recommended package (described below)



Assessment, Scoping & Project Plan


We will start wherever we are and get clear on where we want to go. We will work through prioritized levels of purpose, goals, resources, capacities and any work or material that has already been created. A Situational Assessment will be developed and delivered outlining concrete recommendations for addressing the issue.  A Project Plan document will be prepared that synthesizes the project concept, proposed solution, and a high level stages, costs and action plan for implementing proposed recommendations.


Package cost: $1,000

Scope of Work:

  • 3-5 in-depth discussions with client

  • 1-2 facilitated group sessions (as needed)

  • Research as applicable 

  • Document preparation 


End products:

  • Situational Assessment Document

  • Project Plan 



Project Development & Implementation Plan


With a clear assessment and project plan, we will build out a more detailed development and implementation plan, including what resources, skills, milestones and deliverables will be needed at each phase for the successful creation and implementation of your project. We will discuss how the various stages and tasks can be completed by your team and network, as well as how to best integrate additional resources, skills and capabilities.


Package cost: $2,500

Scope of Work:

  • 4-6 in-depth discussions with client

  • 1-2 facilitated group sessions (as needed)


End products:

  • An actionable project ready to go

  • Development & Implementation Plan

  • Client / Project Workspace



Development & Execution Services

Articulated and our network of experienced specialists can execute and deliver on a wide range of services, both tactically and on an ongoing basis. In general we prefer to offer service packages for concrete milestones and deliverables, and in ways that empower you to carry and develop your independent capacity to manage and execute. And we are always happy to locate and connect additional qualified specialized support as needed at negotiated market rates.


Up front estimates or blocks of time will allow for tracking of costs ahead of and during the project.


Example Package:

Logistics & Transportation Package

Have something unique to move or deliver, perhaps to an unusual location? We will assess, scope and plan the mission inclusive of finding appropriate and reasonably priced service providers (where applicable), a mission requirements manifest and a mission plan inclusive of preparation, transportation and deployment steps. 


Package cost: $1,000 - $2,500, depending on complexity

Scope of Work:

  • 2-4 in-depth discussions with client

  • 1-2 facilitated team sessions (as needed)

  • Mission Plan & Qualified Service Providers List Development

End products:

  • Mission Plan

    • Goals & Completion Criteria

    • Tools , Materials and Resources Manifest

    • Team Roles & Contact Roster

    • Step-by-step Preparation, Loading, Transportation &  Deployment Plan

  • Qualified Service Providers List


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